pic louis


  • Inverse Probleme
  • Lokale Methoden für globale Probleme
  • Kombination von Bildrekonstruktion und Bildanalyse
  • Parameterschätzung
  • Wavelets
  • Industrielle Mathematik



1949 Geburt
1972 Saarbrücken: Diplom in Mathematik
1976 Mainz: Promotion
1982 Münster: Habilitation für Mathematik
1983-1986 Kaiserslautern: Professur
1986-1990 Berlin: Professur an der Technischen Universität
seit 1990 Saarbrücken: Professur



1980/81 University of New York, Buffalo
August/September 1982 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
März 2000 Université de Montpellier
Oktober 2011
Sobolev Institut der Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Novosibirsk



  • 1992-1998: Mitglied des GAMM-Vorstands
  • 1994-1997: Externer Teilprojektleiter am SFB 273: Hyperthermie: Methodik und Klinik, Berlin
  • 1997: Ruf an die LMU München als Professor für Angewandte Mathematik
  • 1997/99: Vizepräsident der Universität des Saarlandes
  • 1999-2018: Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats des Konrad-Zuse-Zentrums Berlin und von 1999-2013 dessen Sprecher
  • 2000: Ruf auf Full Professor, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, U.S.A.
  • seit 2000: Vorstand der Hermann und Dr. Charlotte Deutsch Stiftung, stellv. Vorsitzender, seit Juli 2024 Vorsitzender
  • 2004-2014: Mitglied des Kuratoriums der WUT GmbH der Universität des Saarlandes, Vorsitzender
  • 2007-2016: Member of the Scientific Board of Radon Institute Linz, 2014-2016 dessen Sprecher
  • seit 2013: Mitglied des International Advisory Board (IAB) des Institut d'Etudes Avancés (IEA) der Universität Cergy-Pontoise
  • seit 1997: Besitzer von ISCA Prof. Louis


  • 2005: Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques
  • 2012: Ehrendoktor der Universität Bremen
  • 2013: Ehrendoktor der Novosibirsk State University
  • 2019: Verleihung der Goldmedaille des Sobolev Insituts für Mathematik der Russichen Akademie der Wissenschaften für das Lebenswerk


Editorial Boards

  • Inverse Problems, Editor-in-Chief, 2010-2014
  • Documenta Mathematica, geschäftsführender Herausgeber 1996-2012
  • SIAM J Imaging Sciences, 2008-2017
  • International Journal of Biomedical Imaging,  2006-2020
  • Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, seit 2014
  • Vestnik Novosibirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universteta. Seriya Matematika, Mekhanika, Informatika, seit 2014
  • 1993-1997: Inverse Problems
  • 1993-1998: IEEE Transaction Medical Imaging
  • 1995-1997: Computing
  • 1991-2004: Surveys on Mathematics for Industry



  • Teilprojekt beim SFB 273 Hyperthermie, Berlin
  • Chinesisch-Deutsches Projekt gefördert durch Sino-German Center for Research Promotion, Beijing
  • 10 DFG - Projekte
  • 5 BMBF - Projekte
  • 3 EU - Projekte
  • Industrieprojekte




Alfred K. Louis


List of Publications


    1. Rundungsfehler beim expliziten Differenzenverfahren zur Integration der Wellengleichung. ZAMM

      54, T228-T229, 1974


    2. Fehlerabschätzungen für das Galerkin - Verfahren bei quasilinearen elliptischen Differentialgleichungen. ZAMM 57, T290-T291, 1977


    3. Quasioptimalität der Finite -Elemente - Methode bei nichtlinearen elliptischen Differentialgleichungen. ZAMM 59, 455-460, 1979


    4. Konvergenzbeschleunigung für Finite - Elemente - Lösungen der Poisson-Gleichung. ZAMM 59, T66-T67, 1979


    5. Acceleration of Convergence for Finite Element Solutions of the Poisson Equation. Numer. Math.

      33, 43-53, 1979


    6. Numerische Rekonstruktion von Bildern bei unvollständigen Daten. ZAMM 60, T301-T303, 1980


    7. Picture Reconstruction from Projections in Restricted Range. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 2, 209-220, 1980


    8. Ghosts in Tomography - The Null Space of the Radon Transform. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 3, 1-10, 1981


    9. Approximation of the Radon Transform from Samples in Limited Range. In : Herman, G.T.; Natterer, F. (eds.): Mathematical Aspects of Computerized Tomography. Springer LNMI 8, 127- 139, 1981


    10. Orthogonal Function Series Expansions and the Null Space of the Radon Transform. SIAM J. Math. Anal 15, 621-633, 1984


    11. Nonuniquenes Problems in Computerized Tomography. ZAMM 62, T290-T292, 1982


    12. Optimal Sampling in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ( NMR ) Tomography. J. Comput. Assist. Tomogr. 6, 334-340, 1982


    13. Approximate Inversion of the 3D Radon Transform. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 176-185, 1983


    14. (with F. Natterer) Mathematical Problems in Computerized Tomography. Proceedings IEEE 71, 379-389, 1983

      reprinted in : Lee, H.; Wade, G. (eds.): Imaging Technology. IEEE press, 179 -189, 1986


    15. Optimal Sampling of Directions in NMR Imaging. J. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1, 1982


    16. Nonuniqueness in Inverse Radon Problems: The Frequency Distribution of the Ghosts. Math. Z. 185, 429-440, 1984


    17. The Limited Angle Problem in Computerized Tomography.

      In: Neunzert, H. (ed.): Mathematics in Industry, Teubner, 194-208, 1984


    18. Incomplete Data Problems in X-Ray Computerized Tomography. I: Singular Value Decomposition of the Limited Angle Transform. Numer. Math. 48, 251-262, 1986

    19. Fast Scanning Geometries in X-Ray Computerized Tomography. In: Boffi, V.; Neunzert, H. (eds.): Mathematics in Technology. Teubner, 324-329, 1984


    20. Tikhonov-Phillips Regularization of the Radon Transform.

      In: Hämmerlin, G.; Hoffman, K.-H. (eds.): Constructive Methods for the Practical Treatment of Integral Equations. Birkhäuser, 211-223, 1985


    21. Laguerre and Computerized Tomography : Consistency Conditions and Stability of the Radon Transform. In : Proc. of the Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials and their Applications for the 150th Anniversary of E.N. Laguerre, Springer LNM 1171, 524-531, 1985


    22. Computerized Tomography : Physical Background and Mathematical Modelling. Physicalia Magazine 7, 71-91, 1985


    23. (with R.M. Lewitt) Numerical Backprojection in the 3D Radon Transform. In : Deuflhard, P.; Engquist, B.(eds): Large Scale Scientific Computing. Birkhäuser, 235-244, 1987


    24. An Identification Problem for Linear Dynamical Systems. In: Neunzert, H.(ed.): The Road-Vehicle System and Related Mathematics. Teubner, 152-154, 1985


    25. Convergence of the Conjugate Gradient Method for Compact Operators. In: Engl, H.W., Groetsch,

      C.W. (eds.): Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems. Academic Press, 177-184, 1987


    26. (with A. Rieder) Incomplete Data Problems in X-Ray Computerized Tomography. II: Truncated Projections and Region-of-Interest Tomography. Numer. Math. 56, 371-383, 1989


    27. (with P. Wust, J. Nadobny, R. Felix, P. Deuflhard, W.) Numerical Approaches to Treatment Planning in Deep RF -Hyperthermia. Strahlenther. Onkol. 165, 751-757, 1989


    28. Inverse Problems in Medicine. In : V. Boffi, H. Neunzert (eds.) : Applications of Mathematics in Industry and Technology, Teubner, 277-287, 1989


    29. Eikonal Approximation in Ultrasound Computerized Tomography.

      In : Grünbaum, F.A., Helton, J.W., Khargonekar, P. (eds.) :Signal Processing II : Control and Applications, Springer, New York, 285-291, 1990


    30. Two - Dimensional Inverse Scattering Methods in Ultrasound Computer -- Tomography. IFAC Symposium Control of Distributed Systems, M. Amouroux and A. El Jai(eds), Perpignan, 1989, Pergamon Press, 165-168, 1989


    31. (with G. Schwierz) Rekonstruktionsverfahren in der medizinischen Bildgebung. ZAMM 70, T533- T539, 1990


    32. (with B. Eicke, R. Plato) The instability of some gradient methods for ill - posed problems. Numer. Math. 58, 129-134, 1990


    33. (with P. Wust, J. Nadobny, R. Felix, P. Deuflhard, F. John ) Strategies for optimized application of annular - phased array systems in clinical hyperthermia. Int. J. Hyperthermia, 7, 157-173,1990


    34. (with P. Maaß) A mollifier method for linear operator equations of the first kind. Inverse Problems

      6, 427-440, 1990


    35. (with J. Kremer) On the mathematical foundation of hyperthermia therapy. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci.,

      13, 467-479, 1990


    36. (with P. Maaß) Smoothed projection methods for the moment problem. Numer. Math. 59, 277- 294, 1991


    37. Medical imaging : State - of - the art and future development. In : P.C. Sabatier (ed.): Inverse problems in action, Proceedings of the multicentennial meeting, Montpellier,Springer, 22-28, 1990


    38. Numerik Inverser Probleme. GAMM - Mitteilungen, Heft 1, 5-27, 1990

    39. Mathematical questions of a biomagnetic imaging problem. In : G.T. Herman, A.K. Louis, F. Natterer (Eds.) : Mathematical methods in tomography, Springer LNM 1497, 126-132, 1991


    40. Parametric reconstruction in biomagmetic imaging. In: Bertero, M., Pike, E.R. (eds.): Inverse Problems in Scattering and Imaging, Adam Hilger, 156-163, 1992


    41. Medical Imaging : State of the Art and Future Development, Inverse Problems 8, 709-738, 1992


    42. (with P. Maaß) Contour Reconstruction in 3D X- Ray CT, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

      12, 764-769, 1993


    43. (with M. Böhm, J. Kremer) Efficient Algorithm for Computing Optimal Control of Antennas in Hyperthermia, Surveys on Mathematics for Industry 3, 233-251, 1993


    44. A wavelet approach to identification problems, Proceedings of the international workshop on inverse problems, CRI K-1/93, Hannover, 67 -75, 1993


    45. Approximate Inverse for Linear and Some Nonlinear Problems, Inverse Problems 12, 175-190, 1996


    46. (with T. Schuster) A novel filter design technique in 2D X-ray CT, Inverse Problems 12, 685-696, 1996


    47. (with C. Wolters, A. Rienäcker, R. Beckmann, H. Jarausch, H. Buchner, R. Grebe) Stable inverse current reconstruction in real anatomy using combinatorial optimization techniques combined with regularization methods, Proceedings of the Third International Hans Berger Congress 'Quantitative and Topological EEG and MEG analysis, 1996


    48. (with R. Dietz) Algorithmen für die 3D-Computer-Tomographie bei zerstörungsfreien Prüfverfahren, in Mathematik - Schlüsseltechnologie für die Zukunft, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg/Berlin, Herausgeber: K.H. Hoffmann, W. Jäger, T. Lohmann, H Schunck, S. 397-407, 1996


    49. Application of the Approximate Inverse to Inverse Scattering, in Conference on inverse problems of wave propagation and diffraction, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Editors: G. Chavent, P. Sabatier, 125-129, 1997


    50. (with M. Ende, P. Maaß, G. Mayer-Kress) EEG signal analysis by continuous wavelet transform techniques, in Nonlinear Techniques in Physiological Time Series Analysis, Springer, Editors: H. Kuntz, J. Kurths, G. Mayer-Kress, 1996


    51. Application of the Approximate Inverse to 3D X-Ray CT and Ultrasound Tomography,

      in Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging and Nondestructive Testing, Springer-Verlag Wien, New York, Editors: H.W. Engl, A.K. Louis, W. Rundell, S.120-133, 1997


    52. (with C. Wolters, A. Rienäcker, R. Beckmann, H. Jarausch, H. Buchner, R. Grebe) Stable inverse current reconstruction in real anatomy using combinatorial optimization techniques combined with regularization methods. In Quantitative and topological EEG and MEG analysis, Universitätsverlag Meyer, Jena, Editors: Wittie, H., Zwiener, U., Schack, B., Doering, A., S. 487 - 490, 1997


    53. Constructing an approximate inverse for linear and some nonlinear problems in engineering, in Inverse Problems in Engineering - Theory and Practice, The American Society of Mechanical Engeneers, New York, Editors: D. Delaunay, Y. Jarug, K.A. Woodbury, S. 367-374, 1998


    54. (with B. Dahlmanns, H. Buchner, M. Fuchs, G. Knoll) Neuronal source reconstruction using the finite element model, Electroenceph clin Neurophysiol 107, 45 P., 1998


    55. A Unified Approach to Regularization Methods for Linear Ill-Posed Problems Inverse Problems, 15, pp. 489-498, 1999

    56. (with P. Lobel, C. Pichot, L.Blanc-Ferraud, M. Barlaud) Image reconstruction from the 1997 Ipswich data using a conjugate gradient algorithm, IEEE Antennas and Propagation, 41, 48-51, 1999


    57. (with P. Jonas) A Sobolev Space Analysis of Linear Regularization Methods for Ill-Posed Problems, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, J. Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 9, 59-74, 2001


    58. (with H. Abdullah) The Approximate Inverse for Solving an Inverse Scattering Problem for Acoustic Waves in an Inhomgeneous Medium, Inverse Problems, 15, 1213 - 1230, 1999


    59. (with E.T. Quinto) Local Tomographic Methods in SONAR, in Surveys on Solution Methods for Inverse Problems, Springer-Verlag Wien/New 147-155, Editors: D. Colton, H.W. Engl, A.K. Louis,

      J. McLaughlin, W. Rundell, 2000


    60. (with P. Jonas) Approximate Inverse for a One-Dimensional Inverse Heat Conduction Problem, Inverse Problems 16, 175 - 185, 2000


    61. (with E. Yu. Derevtsov, R. Dietz, T. Schuster) Influence of refraction to the accuracy of a solution for the 2D-emission tomography problem, J. Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 8, 161-191, 2000


    62. (with P. Dörr, C. Gruss, H. Petry) Measurement of Paint Layer Thickness with Photothermal Infrared Radiometry, in: Mathematics – Key Technology for the Future, Springer, Berlin, 460-471, 2003, Editors : W. Jäger, H-J Krebs


    63. (with F. Darvas, M. Fuchs, G. Knoll, H. Buchner, U. Schmitt) Spatio-temporal current density reconstruction (stCDR) from EEG-/MEG-data, in : Mathematics – Key Technology for the Future, Springer, Berlin, 472-482, 2003, Editors : W. Jäger, H-J Krebs


    64. (with U. Schmitt, F. Darvas, H. Buchner, M. Fuchs) Numerical Aspects of Spatio-Temporal Current Density Reconstruction from EEG-/ MEG Data , IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, Vol. 20, Nr. 4, pp. 314-324, 2001


    65. (with F. Darvas, U. Schmitt, M. Fuchs, G. Knoll, H. Buchner) Spatio-Temporal Current Density Reconstruction (stCDR) from EEG/MEG-Data , Brain Topography, 13, pp. 195-207, 2001


    66. (with U. Schmitt) Efficient Algorithms for the Regularization of dynamic inverse Problems - Part I : Theory , Inverse Problems, 18, 645-658, 2002


    67. (with U. Schmitt, A. K. Louis, C. Wolters, M. Vaukhonen) Efficient Algorithms for the Regularization of dynamic inverse Problems - Part II :Applications, Inverse Problems, 18, 659- 676, 2002


    68. (with T. Schuster, J. Plöger) Depth Resolved Residual Stress Evaluation from X-ray Diffraction Measurement Data using the Approximate Inverse Method, Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 94, 934- 937, 2003


    69. (with G.H. Klein, K.U. Modrich) Use of metal detectors for electromagnetic induction local 3D imaging, Conference Proceedings Eudem2 - SCOT2003


    70. (with T. Schuster, E.Yu. Derevtsov) Two Approaches to the problem of defect correction in vector field tomography solving boundary value problems, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 12, 597-626, 2004


    71. Filter design in three-dimensional cone beam tomography: circular scanning geometry, Inverse Problems, 19, S31-S40, 2003


    72. (with P. Jonas) Phase Contrast Tomography using Holographic Measurements, Inverse Problems 20, 75-102, 2004


    73. (with F. Schöpfer, T. Schuster) Nonlinear iterative methods for linear ill-posed problems in Banach spaces, Inverse Problems 22, 311-330, 2006

    74. Development of algorithms in computerized tomography, in G Ólafsson, ET Quinto(eds): The Radon transform, inverse problems, and tomography, American Mathematical Society, PSAM 63, 25-42, 2006


    75. (with E. Wallacher) Complete sets of radiating parts of a source and their fields with applications in inverse scattering limited angle problems, Int. J. Biomedical Imaging 2006, Article ID 93074, 13 pages, 2006


    76. (with S. Oeckl, T. Schön, A. Knauf) Multiresolution 3D-computerized tomography and its application to NDT, Proceedings, 9th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (ECNDT), Sept. 25 – 29, 2006, Berlin


    77. (with M. Bock, R. Müller, C. Oehler) Computer supported calculation and evaluation of the correct composition of BOF converter, Slag, Iron&Steel review, 283-287, 2007


    78. Optimal reconstruction kernels in medical imaging, In: Optimization in Medicine, Editors: C.J.S. Alves, P.M. Pardalos, L.N. Vicente, Springer, 2008, p. 153-168


    79. Combining Image Reconstruction and Image Analysis with an Application to 2D - Tomography, SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, 1, 188-208, 2008


    80. (with T. Weber und D. Theis) Computing reconstruction kernels for circular 3D cone beam tomography, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 27, 880-886, 2008


    81. (with T. Schuster und D. Theis) A reconstruction approach for imaging in 3D cone beam vector field tomography, Int. J. Biomedical Imaging, Article ID 174283, 17 pages,


      2009. DOI:10.1155/2008/174283



    82. (with F. Schöpfer, T. Schuster) An iterative regularization method for the solution of the split feasibility problem in Banach spaces, Inverse Problems 24 ( 2008) 055008 (20pp)


    83. (with A.Lakhal) Locating radiating sources for Maxwell's equations, Inverse Problems 24 (2008) 045020 (18pp)


    84. (with F. Schöpfer und T. Schuster) Metric and Bregman projections onto affine subspaces and their computation via sequential subspace optimisation methods, Journal of Inverse and Ill- Posed Problems, 16, 479-506, 2008


    85. (with T. Weber) Image reconstruction and image analysis in tomography: fan beam and 3D cone beam, In: Yair Censor, Ming Jiang, Alfred K. Louis (eds.) Mathematical methods in biomedical imaging and intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), CRM Series, Pisa, 2008, pp 211- 229


    86. (with J. Krebs, H. Wendland) Sobolev error estimates and a priori parameter selection for semi- discrete Tikhonov regularization, J Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 17, 845-869, 2009


    87. (with P. Deuflhard, O. Dössel, S. Zachow) Mehr Mathematik wagen in der Medizin, In: Grötschel, M., Lucas, K., Mehrmann, V. (eds.) Produktionsfaktor Mathematik, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 435-459, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-89435-3_19


    88. (with A. Groh, F. Weichert, T. Richards, M. Wagner) Mathematische Modellierung in der Systembiologie, Der Pathologe, 2, 135-140, 2008


    89. (with A. Groh) Stochastic modelling of biased cell migration and collagen matrix modification, J. Math. Biol. 61, 617-647, 2010


    90. (with A.Lakhal, M. Lakhal) Calibrating local volatility in inverse option pricing using the Levenberg-Marquardt method, Journal on Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 18 (2010)

    91. Diffusion reconstruction from very noisy tomographic data, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 4, 675-683, 2010


    92. (with C. Fehringer, C. Massing, T. Heider, G. Hohenberg, Y. Johann, U. Dillmann) Gait analysis in healthy subjects and parkinsonian patients: analysis of side asymmetries, Movement Disorders 24, S334-S334, 2009


    93. (with C. Massing, C. Fehringer, Y. Johann, S. Bechtel, K. Fassbender, U. Dillmann, G. Hohenberg) Discrete wavelet transformation in gait analysis: comparison of methods in healthy subjects and parkinsonian patients, Movement Disorders 24, S333-S333. 2009


    94. (with C. Fehringer, C. Massing, T. Heider, G. Hohenberg, Y. Johann, U. Dillmann) Gait analysis in healthy subjects and parkinsonian patients: analysis of side asymmetries, Movement Disorders 24S.334, 2009



    95. (with P. Deuflhard, O. Dössel, S. Zachow) More Mathematics into Medicine!. In: Grötschel, M., Lucas, K., Mehrmann, V. (eds) Production Factor Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-11248-5_19


    96. (with M. Riplinger, M. Spiess und E. Spodarev) Inversion algorithms for the spherical Radon and cosine transform, Inverse Problems 27, 03015, 2011, doi: 10.1088/0266-5611/27/3/035015


    97. (with. Kohr) Fast and high-quality reconstruction in electron tomography based on an enhanced linear forward model, Inverse Problems, 27 045008 doi: 10.1088/0266-5611/27/4/045008, 2011


    98. Feature reconstruction in inverse problems, Inverse Problems, 27 065010 doi: 10.1088/0266- 5611/27/6/065010, 2011


    99. (with G. Rigaud, M.K. Nguyen) Circular harmonic decomposition approach for numerical inversion of circular Radon transforms, 1st International ICST workshop on New Com- putational Methods for Inverse Problems (NCMIP), May 2011, Cachan, France. pp.1. hal-00665828


    100. (with G. Rigaud, M.K. Nguyen) Numerical Inversions of two Circular Radon Transforms in Compton Scattering Tomography, Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering, 2012, DOI: 10.1080/17415977.2011.653008


    101. (with Y. Zhou, T. Zhou, M. Jiang) Partial Coherence Theory for X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging Technique With Gratings, Optics Communications, Vol. 285, 4763-4774, 2012


    102. (with E.Y. Derevtsov, A.V. Efimov, T. Schuster) Singular value decomposition and its application to numerical inversion for ray transforms in 2D vector tomography, Journal of Inverse and Ill- Posed Problems, 19, 689–715, 2011


    103. (with B. Hahn) Reconstruction in three-dimensional parallel scanning geometry applied to synchrotron-based x-ray tomography, Inverse Problems 28 (2012) 045013 (18pp)


    104. (with G. Rigaud, M.K. Nguyen) Novel numerical inversion of two circular-arcRadon transforms in Compton scattering tomography, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 20(6), 809-839, 2012

    105. (with G. Rigaud, M. K. Nguyen) Modelling and Simulation Results on a new Compton Scattering Tomography Modality, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (SIMPAT), 33, 28-44, 2013


    106. (with B. Hahn, M. Maisl, C. Schorr) Combined reconstruction and edge detection in dimensioning, Meas. Sci. Technol. 24, 125601(10pp) 2013


    107. (with P. Jonas) Cone beam reconstruction for small objects in phase contrast tomography, Inverse Problems, 29 095013s, 2013


    108. (with S.W. Lee, Y. Zhou, T. Zhou, M. Jiang, J. Kim, C.W. Ahn) Visibility studies of grating-based neutron phase contrast and dark-field imaging by using partial coherence theory. Journal of Korean Physical Society 63, 2093-2097, 2013


    109. (with M.A.Abazid, A. Lakhal) Non-destructive testing of anti-reflection coatings for solar cells, Proc. European Workshop on renewable enery systems (EWRES)


    110. (with U. Dillmann, C. Holzhoffer, Y. Johann, S. Bechtel, S. Gräber, C. Massing, J. Spiegel, S. Behnke, J. BürmannPrincipal Component Analysis of gait in Parkinson´s disease: significance of gait velocity, Gait&Posture, Vol. 39 2014, Pages 882-887


    111. (with G. Rigaud, A. Lakhal) Series expansions of the reconstruction kernel of the Radon transform over a Cormack-type families of curves with applications in tomography, SIAM J Imaging Sciences 7, 924-943, 2014


    112. (with M. Riplinger, M. Krause, C. Xu) A new dimming algorithm based on the simplex method. Comput. Optim. Appl. 64,243, 2016


    113. (with M. A. Abazid, A. Lakhal) A stable numerical algorithm for the design of anti-reflection coatings for solar cells) Int. J. Renewable Energy Technology, 7, 97-111, 2016


    114. (with M. A. Abazid, A. Lakhal) Inverse Design of anti-reflection coatings using the nonlinear approximate inverse, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 24, 917-935, 2016


    115. Exact cone beam reconstruction formulae for functions and their gradients for spherical and flat detectors, Inverse Problems 32, 115005, 2016


    116. (with A. Groh, H. Kohr) Numerical rate function determination in partial differential equations modelling cell population dynamics, J. Math. Biol. 74, 533-565, 2017


    117. (with P. Trampert, J. Vogelgesang, C. Schorr, M. Maisl, S. Bogachev, N. Marniok, T. Dahmen, P. Slusallek) Spherically symmetric volume elements as basis for image reconstructions in computed laminography, J.X-Ray Science and Technology, 25, 533-546, 2017


    118. (with E.Yu. Derevtsov, S.V. Maltseva, A.P. Polyakova, I.E. Svetov) Numerical solvers based on the method of approximate inverse for 2D vector and 2-tensor tomography problems, Inverse Problems 33(12), 124001, 2017


    119. Numerical aspects of cone beam reconstruction, Sens. Imag. 18, 15,2017


    120. (with T. Schön, K. Dietmayer) New n-dimensional reconstruction formula for flat detector tomography, Proc. Fully 3D Conference, 2017


    121. (with M. Krause, M. Riplinger, C. Xu) A new class of very efficient algorithms for local dimming, Optim Eng, 19, 1, 2018


    122. (with M. Quellmalz, R. Hielscher) The cone-beam transform and spherical convolution operators, Inverse Problems 34, 105006, 2018

    123. Uncertainty, ghosts, and resolution in Radon problems. In: R. Ramlau, O. Scherzer (eds). The Radon Transform: The First 100 Years and Beyond De Gruyter | 2019, https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110560855-008


    124. (with I.E. Svetov, S.V. Maltseva) The Method of Approximate Inverse in Slice-by-Slice Vector Tomography Problems, NUMTA 2, 487-494, 2019


    125. (with D. He, M. Jiang, P. Maass, T. Page) Joint Bi-Modal Image Reconstruction Of Dot And XCT With An Extended Mumford-Shah Functional. ISBI 2019: 1463-1466


    126. (with S. V. Maltseva, A. P. Polyakova, T. Schuster, I. E. Svetov) On solving the slice-by-slice three-dimensional 2-tensor tomography problems using the approximate inverse method, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1715 012036, 2021


    127. (with S V Maltseva, I E Svetov ) An iterative algorithm for reconstructing a 2vector field by its limited-angle ray transform, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1715 012037, 2021


    128. Inversion Formulae for Ray Transforms in Vector and Tensor Tomography, Inverse Problems 38 065008, 2022


    129. In memoriam Pierre Sabatier, Inverse Problems 39, 110401, 2023


    130. A Unified Approach to Inversion Formulae for Vector and Tensor Ray and Radon Transforms and the Natterer Inequality, Inverse Problems, https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6420/ad5d0e




      1. Inverse und schlecht gestellte Probleme, Teubner, Stuttgart, 1989

      2. (with G.T. Herman, F. Natterer) Mathemtical Methods in Tomography, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-540-54970-3, 1990

      3. (with P. Maaß, A. Rieder) Wavelets, Teubner, 2nd edition 1998

      4. (with P. Maaß, A. Rieder) Wavelets – Theory and Applications, Wiley, 1998

      5. (with H.W. Engl, W. Rundell: Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging and nondestructive testing, Springer, Wien, 1996

      6. (with H.W. Engl, W. Rundell) Inverse Problems in Geophysical Applications, SIAM, 1997

      7. (with D. Colton, H.W. Engl, J. McLaughlin, W. Rundell) Surveys on Solution Methods for Inverse Problems, Springer, Wien, 2000

      8. (with Y. Censor, M. Jiang) Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Imaging and Intensity-Moduled Radiation Therapy (IMRT), Birkhauser Verlag AG, ISBN: 978-88- 7642-314-7, 2008

      9. (with M. Jiang, E.T. Quinto, N. Ida) The Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing and Imaging, Springer, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 506, ISBN: 3319916580, 2018

      10. (with E.T. Quinto, N. Ida, M. Jiang) The Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing and Imaging, 2018, Springer, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 606, ISBN 978-3-030-30827-8, 2019


    Co-Inventor in Patents:


    P. Maass, A. K. Louis.

    Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur dreidimensionalen Computertomographie.

    Deutsches Patentamt DE19623271A1,

    Anmeldenummer: 19623271.6, Anmeldedatum: 31.05.1996 Veröffentlicht im Patentblatt Nr. 1997/49 am 04.12.1997.

    • Deutsches Patent Nr. 199 07 804 : Single Sample Calibaration Erfinder : Dörr, P., Gruss, C., Louis, A.K., Petry, H., 2000

    • Method and evaluation device for evaluating projection data of an object being examined Erfinder: S Oeckl, AK Louis, T. Schön

    US patent 10,134,156