6th Workshop Theory and Numerics of kinetic equations June 1 - 3, 2015
Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.
organized by S. Rjasanow, A. Arnold, and R. Grzhibovskis
supported by
Scope |
The main emphasis of this meeting will be on the theory and numerics for the kinetic models for plasmas, semiconductors and the Boltzmann equation together with their applications. However, other kinetic models and questions are also welcome.
Invited speakers |
So far, the
following invited speakers have confirmed their participation:
K. Aoki, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
A. Bobylev, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia
P. Degond, Imperial College, London, UK
I. Gamba, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA
E. Sonnendrücker, Technical University Munich, Munich, Germany
W. Wagner, WIAS, Berlin, Germany
Contributed Talks |
If you want to present a contributed talk (30 min.), please send an e-mail to Mrs. Stoffer, including the title and a short abstract (in LATEX, maximum half a page) of your talk until
May 15, 2015.
Conference fee and accommodation |
conference fee of EUR 100,- will
include the conference dinner, an excursion and the coffee breaks.
If you need hotel accommodation, please send an e-mail to Mrs.
Stoffer, including the arrival and departure dates and the type of
room (single or double) until
May 15, 2015.
Deadlines |
for registration/accommodation: May 15, 2015
for the submission of abstracts: May 15, 2015
Traveling and Hotel |
General information on how to get to Saarland University is explained here.
Bus timetables and ticket prices can be found here.
Contact, location and further information on the "City Hotel", Saarbrücken, are available here.
For participants staying in the "City Hotel", the name of the corresponding bus stop is "Haus der Zukunft", located at the crossways "Richard-Wagner-Straße" - "Dudweilerstraße". From there, the hotel is within walking distance:
From the bus stop "Haus der Zukunft", buses go every 3 - 8 minutes to "Universität Mensa" in the morning. The bus ride takes 10 - 12 minutes.
A one-way single ticket is valid for one hour and costs 2,50 EUR. A ticket valid for one day for one person costs 5,50 EUR. It is also possible to purchase a group ticket for max. 5 persons. It is valid for one day and costs 10,00 EUR. The tickets can be purchased from bus drivers.
On campus |
workshop will take place in Building E1.1, 4th floor. It is easy to
get from the bus stop to the workshop location.
We recommend the
route indicated by the red line on the following campus map:
Final Program |
Program (updated 28.05.2015) please note that there can still be changes.