Dr. Gaël Rigaud
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- Inverse Problems, Theory and Algorithms
- Tomographical Methods in Medical Imaging and Non-Destructive Testing
- Industrial Mathematics
1987 | Geburt |
2007-2010 | ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise, France
Master's Degree (Engineer Diploma) in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
2009-2010 |
Research Master of Science, University of Cergy-Pontoise, France in Intelligent and Communications Systems |
2011-2013 | PhD (co-supervision France/Germany) - in Applied Mathematics at Saarland University, Saarbrücken - in Sciences and Techniques in infomation and communication processing at University of Cergy-Pontoise, France |
2014 | Post-doctoral position at University of Lorraine, Metz, France |
2015 | Post-doctoral position at Saarland University, Saarbrücken |
- 3D Compton scattering imaging and contour reconstruction for a class of Radon transforms Inverse Problems 34 (2018) 075004 (22pp)
- Compton Scattering Tomography: Feature Reconstruction and Rotation-Free Modality SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 10(4), 2217–2249.
- On Analytical Solutions to Beam-Hardening Sens Imaging (2017) 18:5.
- Reflective imaging solved by the Radon transform IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 13 (7), 2016, 936-938.
- Approximate inverse and Sobolev estimates for the attenuated Radon transform
Inverse Problems 31 (2015) 105010
Paper Selected in "2015 Highlights for Inverse Problems" - Approximate Image Reconstruction in Landscape Reflection Imaging Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 268295
- Image and feature reconstruction for the attenuated Radon transform via circular harmonic decomposition of the kernel Inverse Problems 31 (2015) 025007
- Series Expansions of the Reconstruction Kernel of the Radon Transform over a Cormack-Type Family of Curves with Applications in Tomography SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 7(2), 924–943.
- On the inversion of the Radon transform on a generalized Cormack-type class of curves Inverse Problems 29 (2013) 115010
- Modeling and Simulation Results on a new Compton Scattering Tomography Modality Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory (SIMPAT), 33(2013), 28-44
- Novel Numerical Inversions of two Circular-Arc Radon Transforms in Compton scattering tomography Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 20, 809-839, 2012
- Circular Harmonic Decomposition Approach for Numerical Inversion of Circular Radon Transforms Proceedings of the workshop New Computational Methods for Inverse Problems, Cachan, France, 2011
- Contour extraction using the attenuated Radon transform
Challenges in Inverse Problems, Montpellier, Mai 2015 - Inversion of the attenuated Radon transform via circular harmonics expansions and contours reconstruction
Mathematics and Algorithms in Tomography, Oberwolfach, August 2014 - Series expansions of the inverse Radon transform and applications in tomography
Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation, Fethiye, Mai 2014 - Bimodality in Compton scattering tomography
Journées d’imagerie optique non conventionnelle, Paris, March, 2014 - Inversion of the attenuated Radon transform via circular harmonics expansions and contours reconstruction
- Mathematics and Algorithms in Tomography, Oberwolfach, August 2014
- New bimodal scattered radiation tomographic imaging with attenuation and electron density correction algorithm
38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Vancouver, Canada, May 2013. - Imagerie par rayonnement ionisant diffusé
La nuit des Chercheurs, Polytechnique, Palaiseau, September, 2012. - Circular Harmonic Decomposition Approach for Numerical Inversion of Circular Radon Transforms
NCMIP (New Computational Methods for Inverse Problems). Cachan, France, May 2011. - A new circular-arc radon transform and the numerical method for its inverse resolution
8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM). AIP Conference Proceedings, 2010. - Modeling and simulation results on a new compton scattering tomography
7th European Simulation and Modeling (EUROSIM), 2010.