Uncertainty, Ghosts and Resolution in Radon Problems
A.K. Louis
To appear in Ramlau, R., Scherzer, O. (eds): The first 100 years of the Radon Transform.
The cone-beam transform and spherical convolution operators
M. Quellmalz, R. Hielscher, A.K.Louis
Inverse Problems, 34, 105006
3D Compton scattering imaging and contour reconstruction for a class of Radon transforms
G. Rigaud and B.N. Hahn
Inverse Problems 34 (2018) 075004 (22pp)
A new class of very efficient algorithms for local dimming
Krause, M., Riplinger, M., Louis, A.K., Xu, C.
Optim Eng (2018) 19: 1
Compton Scattering Tomography: Feature Reconstruction and Rotation-Free Modality
G. Rigaud
SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 10(4), 2217–2249.
Numerical solvers based on the method of approximate inverse for 2D vector and 2-tensor tomography problems
E. Derevtsov, A.K. Louis, S. Maltseva, A. Polyakova, I. Svetov
Inverse Problems 33 (2017) 124001.
New n-dimensional reconstruction formula for flat detector geometry
T. Schön, K. Dietmayer, A.K. Louis
Preprint Fully 3D Conference 2017
Iterative Region-of-Interest Reconstruction from Limited Data Using Prior Information
J. Vogelgesang, C. Schorr
Sens Imaging (2017) 18:16.
Numerical Aspects of Cone Beam Contour Reconstruction
A.K. Louis
Sens Imaging (2017) 18:15.
Spherically symmetric volume elements as
basis functions for image reconstructions
in computed laminography
P. Trampert, J. Vogelgesang, C. Schorr, M. Maisl,
S. Bogachev, N. Marniok, A.K. Louis, T. Dahmen, P. Slusallek
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 25 (2017) 533–546
On Analytical Solutions to Beam-Hardening
G. Rigaud
Sens Imaging (2017) 18:5.
Numerical rate function determination in partial differential equations modeling cell population dynamics
A. Groh, H. Kohr, A.K. Louis
J. Math. Biol. (2017), 74(3), 533-565.
A Semi-Discrete Landweber–Kaczmarz Method for Cone Beam Tomography and Laminography Exploiting Geometric Prior Information
J. Vogelgesang, C. Schorr
Sens Imaging (2016) 17:17
Exact cone beam reconstruction formulae for functions and their gradients for spherical and flat detectors
A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems 32 (2016) 115005
Detectable Singularities from Dynamic Radon Data
B.N. Hahn, E.T. Quinto
SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 9(3), 1195–1225.
Reflective imaging solved by the Radon transform
G. Rigaud, J.-B. Bellet, G. Berginc, I. Berechet, S. Berechet
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 13 (7), 2016, 936-938.
Null space and resolution in dynamic computerized tomography
B.N. Hahn
Inverse Problems 32 (2016) 025006
Inverse Design of Anti-Reflection Coatings using the Nonlinear Approximate Inverse
M. Alakel Abazid, A. Lakhal, A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 24(6), 917-935.
A Stable Numerical Algorithm for the Design of Anti-Reflection Coatings for Solar Cells
Mohammad Alakel Abazid, Aref Lakhal, Alfred K. Louis
Int. J. Renewable Energy Technology, 7, 97-111, 2016
A new local dimming algorithm based on the simplex method
M. Riplinger, M. Krause, A.K. Louis, C. Xu
Comput Optim Appl (2016) 64: 243
Approximate inverse and Sobolev estimates for the attenuated Radon transform
G. Rigaud, A. Lakhal
Inverse Problems 31 (2015) 105010
Paper Selected in "2015 Highlights for Inverse Problems"
Approximate Image Reconstruction in Landscape Reflection Imaging
R. Régnier, G. Rigaud, and M.K. Nguyen
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 268295
The method of approximate inverse in atmospheric tomography
D. Gerth, B.N. Hahn, R. Ramlau
Inverse Problems 31 (2015) 065002
Paper Selected in "2015 Highlights for Inverse Problems"
Image and feature reconstruction for the attenuated Radon transform via circular harmonic decomposition of the kernel
G. Rigaud, A. Lakhal
Inverse Problems 31 (2015) 025007
Dynamic linear inverse problems with moderate movements of the object: Ill-posedness and regularization
B. Hahn
Inverse Problems and Imaging 9 (2015) 395-413
Series Expansions of the Reconstruction Kernel of the Radon Transform over a Cormack-Type Family of Curves with Applications in Tomography
G. Rigaud, A. Lakhal and A.K. Louis
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 7(2), 924–943.
Principal Component Analysis of gait in Parkinson ́s disease: relevance of gait
Ulrich Dillmann, Claudia Holzhoffer, Yvonne Johann, Sabrina Bechtel, Stefan Gräber, Christoph Massing, Jörg Spiegel, Stefanie Behnke, Jan Bürmann, Alfred K. Louis
Gait & Posture 39 (2014) 882-887
Efficient algorithms for linear dynamic inverse problems with known motion
B. Hahn
Inverse Problems 30 (2014) 035008
Paper Selected in "2014 Highlights for Inverse Problems"
Numerical inversion of the spherical Radon transform and the cosine transform using the approximate inverse with a special class of locally supported mollifiers
M. Riplinger and M.Spiess
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 22 (2014), 497–536
Reconstruction of dynamic objects with affine deformations in computerized tomography
B. Hahn
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 22 (2014), 323-339
Non-Destructive Testing of Anti-Reflection Coatings for Solar Cells
Mohammad Alakel Abazid, Aref Lakhal,
Alfred K. Louis
Proceedings of the European Workshop on Renewable Energy Systems (EWRES), 2013
Visibility Studies of Grating-based Neutron Phase Contrast and Dark-field
Imaging by Using Partial Coherence Theory
S.W. Lee, Y. Zhou, T. Zhou, M. Jiang, J. Kim, C.W. Ahn, A.K. Louis
Journal of Korean Physical Society, Vol. 63, No. 11, pp. 2093 - 2097, 2013
On the inversion of the Radon transform on a generalized Cormack-type class of curves
G. Rigaud
Inverse Problems 29 (2013) 115010
A linear regularization scheme for inverse problems with unbounded linear operators on Banach spaces
H. Kohr
Inverse Problems 29 (2013) 065015
KAIRUAIN-algorithm applied on electromagnetic imaging
Aref Lakhal
Inverse Problems 29 (2013) 095001
Paper Selected in "2013 Highlights for Inverse Problems"
Cone Beam Geometry for Small Objects in Phase Contrast Tomography
P. Jonas and A. K. Louis
Inverse Problems 29 (2013) 095013s
Combined Reconstruction and Edge Detection in Dimensioning
B. Hahn, A. K. Louis, M. Maisl and C. Schorr:
Meas. Sci. Technol. 24 (2013) 125601 (10pp)
Modeling and Simulation Results on a new Compton Scattering Tomography Modality
G. Rigaud, M. K. Nguyen and A. K. Louis
Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory (SIMPAT), 33(2013), 28-44
Reconstruction of dynamic objects in computerized tomography
B. Hahn
Oberwolfach Reports 9 (2012), 3069-71
Partial Coherence Theory for X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging Technique With Gratings
Yu Zhou, Alfred K. Louis, Tie Zhou and Ming Jiang
Optics Communications, 285, 4736-4774, 2012
Improved solution methods for an inverse problem related to a population balance model in chemical engineering
A. Groh and J. Krebs
Inverse Problems 28 (2012) 085006.
Asymptotic Properties of the A.I. Estimator for Directional Distributions
M. Riplinger and M. Spiess
Advances in Applied Probability, Volume 44, Number 4 (2012), 954-976
Reconstruction in the three-dimensional parallel scanning geometry with application in synchrotron-based x-ray tomography
B. Hahn and A. K. Louis
Inverse Problems 28 (2012) 045013 (19pp)
Paper Selected in "2012 Highlights for Inverse Problems"
Numerical rate function determination in partial differential equations modeling cell population dynamics
A. Groh
Novel Numerical Inversions of two Circular-Arc Radon Transforms in Compton scattering tomography
G. Rigaud, M. K. Nguyen and A. K. Louis
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 20, 809-839, 2012
Singular Value Decomposition and its Application to Numerical Inversion for Ray Transforms in 2D Vector Tomography
E.Y. Derevtsov, A.V. Efimov, A.K. Louis, T. Schuster
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 19, 689–715, 2011
Feature Reconstruction in Inverse Problems
A. K. Louis
Inverse Problems 27 (2011) 065010 (21pp)
Paper Selected in "2011 Highlights for Inverse Problems"
Efficient solution of an inverse problem in cell population dynamics
A.Groh, J.Krebs, M.Wagner
Inverse Problems 27 (2011) 065009 (25pp)
Paper Selected in "2011 Highlights for Inverse Problems"
Support vector regression for the solution of linear integral equations
Inverse Problems 27 (2011) 065007 (23pp)
Circular Harmonic Decomposition Approach for Numerical Inversion of Circular Radon Transforms
G. Rigaud, M.K. Nguyen and A.K. Louis
Proceedings of the workshop New Computational Methods for Inverse Problems, Cachan, France, 2011
Fast and high-quality reconstruction in electron tomography based on an
enhanced linear forward model
H. Kohr and A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems 27 (2011) 045008 (20pp)
Inversion algorithms for the spherical Radon and cosine transform
A. K. Louis, M. Riplinger, M. Spiess and E. Spodarev
Inverse Problems 27 (2011) 035015 (25pp)
Biased three-dimensional cell migration and collagen matrix modification
A. Groh, M. Wagner
Mathematical Biosciences 231, 2011, 105-119
Fast and High-Quality Reconstructions in Electron Tomography
H. Kohr
AIP Conf. Proc., September 2010, Volume 1281, pp. 1979-1981
ICNAAM 2010: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Parameter Estimation in Population Balance Models
A. Groh
AIP Conf. Proc., September 2010, Volume 1281, pp. 1971-1974
ICNAAM 2010: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Calibrating local volatility in inverse option pricing using the Levenberg-Marquardt method
A. Lakhal, M.M. Lakhal, A.K Louis
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 18, 2010
Diffusion Reconstruction From Very Noisy Tomographic Data
A.K Louis
Inverse Problems and Imaging 4, 675-683, 2010
Extensions to the continuous ordered median problem
J.Krebs, S.Nickel (Universität Karlsruhe)
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research: Volume 71, Issue 2 (2010), 283-306
More Mathematics into Medicine!
P. Deuflhard, O. Dössel, A.K. Louis, S. Zachow
In: M. Grötschel, K. Lucas, V. Mehrmann (eds.), Productions Factor Mathematics.
acatech – German Academy of Science and Engineering, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 357-378 (2010)
A decoupling-based imaging method for inverse medium scattering for Maxwell's equations
A. Lakhal
Inverse Problems 26 (2010)
Paper Selected in "2010 Highlights for Inverse Problems"
Discrete wavelet transformation in gait analysis: comparison of methods in healthy subjects and parkinsonian patients
C. Massing, C. Fehringer, A.K. Louis, Y. Johann, S. Bechtel, K. Fassbender, U. Dillmann, G. Hohenberg
Movement Disorders 24, S.333
Gait analysis in healthy subjects and parkinsonian patients: analysis of side asymmetries
C. Fehringer, C. Massing, T. Heider, G. Hohenberg, A.K. Louis, Y. Johann, U. Dillmann
Movement Disorders 24, S.334
Stochastic modelling of biased cell migration and collagen matrix modification
A. Groh and A.K. Louis
Journal of Mathematical Biology 61, 617-647, 2010
Sobolev error estimates and a priori parameter selection for semi-discrete Tikhonov regularization
J.Krebs, A.K.Louis, H.Wendland (University of Oxford)
J. Inv. Ill-Posed Problems 17 (2009), 845-869
Herr der Kerne -- Rechnen auf Graphikkarten mit CUDA
U. Schmitt
iX 4/2009, heise Zeitschriften Verlag, pp 149-151
Mehr Mathematik wagen in der Medizin
P. Deuflhard, O. Dössel, A.K. Louis, S. Zachow
In: M. Grötschel, K. Lucas, V. Mehrmann (eds.),
Produktionsfaktor Mathematik. Wie Mathematik Technik und Wirtschaft bewegt.
acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 435-459 (2009)
An iterative regularization method for the solution of the split feasibility problem in Banach spaces. (English summary)
F. Schöpfer, T. Schuster, A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems, 24 (2008), no. 5, 055008, 20 pp.
Computer supported calculation and evaluation of BOF slag composition
M Bock, AK Louis, R Müller, C. Oehler
Millennium Steel MS08, S. 55-59, 2008
Mathematische Modellierung in der Systembiologie
A. Groh, A.K. Louis, F. Weichert, T. Richards, M. Wagner
Der Pathologe, 29 (2008), 135-140.
Signaltheoretische Analyse histologischer Daten im Ortsfrequenzraum
F. Weichert, A. Groh, A. Shamaa, T. Richards, S. Awd, R. Linder, CA Landes, M.
Der Pathologe, 29 (2008), 129-134.
Virtuelles Gewebe
M. Wagner, T. Breiner, T. Betz, I. Bernhardt, N. Pütz, F. Weichert, A. Shamaa,
M. Brochhausen, S. Awad, T. Richards, A. Groh, R. Linder, CA Landes
Der Pathologe, 29 (2008), 123-128.
Image reconstruction and image analysis in tomography: fan beam and 3D cone beam
A.K. Louis, T. Weber
in: Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Imaging and Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), 2008, 211-229,
ISBN: 978-88-7642-314-7
A Reconstruction Approach for Imaging in 3D Cone Beam Vector Field
T. Schuster (Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg), D. Theis, A.K. Louis
International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2008, Article ID 174283, 17 pages.
Locating radiating sources for Maxwell's equations using the approximate inverse
A.Lakhal, A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems, 24 (2008/04)
Selected in "2008 Highlights for Inverse Problems"
Metric and Bregman Projections onto Affine Subspaces and their Computation via Sequential Subspace Optimization Methods
F. Schöpfer, T. Schuster und A.K. Louis
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 16 (2008/05), 479–506
Computing Reconstruction Kernels for circular 3D Cone Beam Tomography
A.K. Louis, T. Weber, D. Theis
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
Special Issue on Fully 3D Image Reconstruction, 27 (2008/07), 880-886
Combining Image Reconstruction and Image Analysis with an Application to 2D - Tomography
A.K. Louis
SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, 01 (2008/02), 188-208
Programmieren in C - eine mathematikorientierte Einführung
R. Kirsch, U. Schmitt
Springer Lehrbuch, Springer Verlag, 2007
Computing Reconstruction Kernels for circular 3D Cone Beam Tomography
A.K. Louis, D. Theis, T. Weber
Conference Proceedings - Fully 3D 2007 9th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine July 9 - 13, 2007, Lindau, Germany
Optimal reconstruction kernels in medical imaging
A.K. Louis
in: Optimization in Medicine
Herausgeber: C.J.S. Alves, P.M. Paradalos, L.N. Vicente
Springer 2007
Photorealistische Generierung histologischer und histopathologischer
F. Weichert, R. Linder, CA. Landes, A. Groh, R. Wünderlich, M. Wagner
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006
Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen
Proceedings des Workshops
vom 19. bis 21. März 2006 in Hamburg
Herausgegeben von Heinz Handels, Jan Ehrhardt, Alexander Horsch, Hans-Peter Meinzer und Thomas Tolxdorff
Neue Perspektiven des E-Learning für
Blinde und hochgradig Sehbehinderte
R. Linder, F. Weichert, A. Streng, A. Groh, W. Liese, T. Richards, M. Diefenbach, A. Shamaa, CJ. Menzel-Dowling, M. Wagner
GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, 2 (2006), Doc18.
Simulating Soft Data to make Soft Data applicable to Simulation
M. Wagner, M. Zamelczyk-Pajewska, C. Landes, H. Sudhoff, J. Kosmider, T.
Richards, U.M. Krause, R. Stark, A. Groh, F. Weichert, R. Linder
In Vivo, (Jan-Feb 2006), 20(1), pp. 49-54
Multiresolution 3D-Computerized Tomography and its Application to NDT
S. Oeckl, T. Schön, A. Knauf, A.K. Louis
9th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (ECNDT), Berlin 2006
Complete sets of radiating parts of a source and their fields with applications in inverse scattering limited angle problem
A.K. Louis, E. Wallacher
International Journal of Biomedical Imaging 2006 (2006), Artikel ID 93074, 13 Seiten
Development of Algorithms in Computerized Tomography
A.K. Louis
Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics (63),
American Mathematical Society, Herausgeber: Gestur Olafsson und Eric Todd Quinto, ISBN: 0-8218-3930-6, 25-42, 2006
Nonlinear iterative methods for linear ill-posed problems in Banach spaces
F. Schoepfer, A.K. Louis, Th. Schuster
Inverse Problems, 22 (2006/01), 311-329
Error estimates for defect correction methods in Doppler tomography
Th. Schuster
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 14 (2006/01), 83-106
PDE-based deconvolution with forward-backward diffusivities and diffusion tensors.
M. Welk, D. Theis, T. Brox, J. Weickert:
In R. Kimmel, N. Sochen, J. Weickert (Eds.): Scale-Space and PDE Methods in Computer Vision. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3459, Springer, Berlin, 585597, 2005.
Variational deblurring of images with uncertain and spatially variant blurs
M. Welk, D. Theis, J. Weickert
In W. Kropatsch, R. Sablatnig, A. Hanbury (Eds.): Pattern Recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3663, 485-492, Springer, Berlin, 2005.
Defect correction in vector field tomography: detecting the potential part of a field using BEM and implementation of the method
Th. Schuster
Inverse Problems, 21 (2005/01), 75-91
On a regularization scheme for linear operators in distribution spaces with an application to the spherical radon transform
Th. Schuster, E.T. Quinto
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 65 (2005/04), 1369-1387
Filtered backprojection for thermoacoustic computed tomography in spherical geometry
M. Haltmeier, Th. Schuster, O. Scherzer
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 28 (2005/16), 1919-1937
The approximate inverse in action III: 3D-Doppler tomography
A. Rieder, Th. Schuster
Numerische Mathematik, 97 (2004/02), 353-378
Two Approaches to the problem of defect correction in vector field tomography solving boundary value problems
E. Yu. Derevtsov, A.K. Louis, Th. Schuster
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 12 (2004/05), 557-669
Phase Contrast Tomography using Holographic Measurements
P. Jonas, A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems, 20 (2004), 75-102
Spatio-Temporal Current Density Reconstruction from EEG-/MEG-Data
A.K. Louis, U. Schmitt, F. Darvas, H. Buchner, M. Fuchs
Mathematics - Key Technology
for the Future / Ed.: Jäger,
W., Krebs, H.-J.. - Berlin : Springer. 2003, 472-482
A stable inversion scheme for the Laplace transform using arbitrarily distributed data scanning points
Th. Schuster
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 11 (2003/03), 263-287
The approximate inverse in action II: convergence and stability
A. Rieder, Th. Schuster
Mathematics of Computation, 72 (2003/243), 1399-1415
Einfluß der Landnutzung auf Hochwasserentstehung
H. Abdullah, A.K. Louis
Brain Lesion Size and Phase Shift as an Index of Cerebral Autoregulation in Patients with Severe Head Injury
O. Bianchi, S. Erülkü, M. Müller, K. Schwerdtfeger, C. Stock
Acta Neurochirurgica, 145 (2003/08), 643-648
Changes in Linear Dynamics of Cerebrovascular System After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
M. Müller, O. Bianchi, S. Erülkü, C. Stock, K. Schwerdtfeger
Stroke, 34 (2003/05), 1197-1202
Depth Resolved Residual Stress Evaluation from X-ray Diffraction Measure-ment Data using the Approximate Inverse Method
Th. Schuster, J. Plöger, A.K. Louis
Zeitschrift für METALLKUNDE, 94 (2003/08), 934-937
Use of metal detectors for electromagnetic induction local 3D imaging
G.H. Klein, A.K. Louis, K.U. Modrich
Conference Proceedings Eudem2 - SCOT2003
Filter design in three-dimensional cone beam tomography: circular scanning geometry
A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems, 19 (2003), S31-S40
A novel mollifier inversion scheme for the Laplace transform
Th. Schuster
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1 (2002/01), 422-423
Influence of refraction to the accuracy of a solution for the 2D-emission tomography problem
E. Yu. Derevtsov, R. Dietz, A.K. Louis, Th. Schuster
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 8 (2002/2), 161-191
Efficient Algorithms for the Regularization of dynamic inverse Problems - Part II : Applications
U. Schmitt, A.K. Louis, C. Wolters, M. Vaukhonen
Inverse Problems, 18 (2002), 659-676
Efficient Algorithms for the Regularization of dynamic inverse Problems - Part I : Theory
U. Schmitt, A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems, 18 (2002), 645-658
Modelling and Simualtion in Preventive Flood Control Measures by Means of Types of Land Use
H. Abdullah, A.K. Louis
Using rotational Invariances of Operators for the Implementation of Discrete Algorithms
P. Jonas, A.K. Louis, A. Rösch
An efficient mollifier method for 3D vector tomography: Convergence analysis and implementation
Th. Schuster
Inverse Problems, 17 (2001/04), 739-766, Special issue of Pierre Sabatiers 65th birthday
A Sobolev Space Analysis of Linear Regularization Methods for Ill-Posed Problems
P. Jonas, A.K. Louis
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 9 (2001/1), 59-74
Multi-parameter-fitting procedure for photothermal infrared radiometry on multi-layered and bulk-absorbing solids
P. Dörr, C. Gruss
Journal of Applied Physics, 89 (2001/12), 7888-7894
Numerical Aspects of Spatio-Temporal Current Density Reconstruktion from EEG-/ MEG Data
U. Schmitt, A.K. Louis, F. Darvas, H. Buchner, M. Fuchs
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 20 (2001/4), 314-324
Spatio-Temporal Current Density Reconstruction (stCDR) from EEG/MEG-Data
F. Darvas, U. Schmitt, A.K. Louis, M. Fuchs, G. Knoll, H. Buchner
Brain Topography, 13 (2001), 195-207
The approximate inverse in action with an application to computerized tomography
A. Rieder, Th. Schuster
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 37 (2000/06), 1909-1929
The 3D-Doppler transform: elementary properties and computation of reconstruction kernels
Th. Schuster
Inverse Problems, 16 (2000/03), 701-723
Approximate inverse meets local tomography
Andreas Rieder, Rainer Dietz, Thomas Schuster
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 23 (2000/15), 1373-1387
Local Tomographic Methods in SONAR
A.K. Louis, E.T. Quinto
Surveys on Solution Methods for Inverse Problems Springer-Verlag Wien/New York Herausgeber: D. Colton, H.W. Engl, A.K. Louis, J. McLaughlin, W. Rundell, 2000
Measurement of Paint Layer Thickness with Photothermal Radiometry
P. Dörr, C. Gruss, A.K. Louis, H. Petry
Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future
Approximate Inverse for a one dimensional Inverse Heat Conduction Problem
P. Jonas, A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems, 16 (2000), 175-185
A Unified Approach to Regularization Methods for Linear Ill-Posed Problems
A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems, 15 (1999), 489-498
The Approximate Inverse for Solving an Inverse Scattering Problem for Acoustic Waves in an Inhomogeneous Medium
H. Abdullah, A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems, 15 (1999), 1213-1230
Neuronal source reconstruction using the finite element model
H. Buchner, B. Dahlmanns, M. Fuchs, G. Knoll, A.K. Louis
Electroenceph clin Neurophysiol 107:45P, 1998
Constructing an approximate inverse for linear and some nonlinear problems in engineering
A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems in Engineering - Theory and Practice The American Society of Mechanical Engeneers, New York Herausgeber: D. Delaunay, Y. Jarug, K.A. Woodbury S. 367-374, 1998
Application of the Approximate Inverse to 3D X-Ray CT and Ultrasound Tomography
A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging and Nondestructive Testing Springer-Verlag Wien, New York Herausgeber: H.W.Engl, A.K.Louis, W.Rundell S. 120-133, 1997
Approximate inverse for linear and some nonlinear problems
A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems, 12 (1996), 175-190
A novel filter design technique in 2D computerized tomography
A.K. Louis, Th. Schuster
Inverse Problems, 12 (1996), 685-696
Algorithmen für die 3D-Computer-Tomographie bei zerstörungsfreien Prüfverfahren
R. Dietz, A.K. Louis
Mathematik-Schlüsseltechnologie für die Zukunft, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg/Berlin, Herausgeber: K.H. Hoffmann, W. Jäger, T. Lohmann, H. Schunck, S. 397-407, 1996
EEG signal analysis by continuous wavelet transform techniques
A.K. Louis
Nonlinear Techniques in Physiological Time Series Analysis Springer, Herausgeber: H. Kuntz, J. Kurths, G. Mayer-Kress, 1996
Contour reconstruction in 3-D X-Ray CT
A.K. Louis, P. Maaß
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 12 (1993/4), 764-769
Parametric reconstruction of a biomagnetic imaging
A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems in Scattering and Imaging, pp. 156-163, 1992 Herausgeber: M. Bertero, E.R. Pike, Adam Hilger
Medical Imaging: State of the art and future development
A.K. Louis
Inverse Problems, 8 (1992), 709-738
Smoothed projection methods for the moment problem
A.K. Louis, P. Maaß
Numerische Mathematik, 59 (1991), 277-294
Eikonal Approximation in Ultrasound Computerized Tomography
A.K. Louis
Signal Processing II: Control and Applications, Springer, New York pp. 285-291, 1990, Herausgeber: F.A. Grünbaum, J.W. Helton, P. Khargonekar
The instability of some gradient methods for ill - posed problems
B. Eicke, A.K. Louis, R. Plato
Numerische Mathematik, 58 (1990), 129-134
Strategies for optimized application of annular - phased array systems in clinical hyperthermia
P. Deuflhard, R. Felix, F. John, A.K. Louis, J. Nadobny, P. Wust
International Journal of Hyperthermia, 1990, 157-173
A mollifier method for linear operator equations of the first kind
A.K. Louis, P. Maaß
Inverse Problems, 6 (1990), 427-440
On the mathematical foundation of hyperthermia treatment
J. Kremer, A.K. Louis
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 13, pp. 467-479, 1990
Incomplete Data Problems in X-Ray Computerized Tomography
A.K. Louis, A. Rieder
Numerische Mathematik, 56 (1989), 371-383
Numerical Approaches to Treatment Planning in Deep RF- Hyperthemia
P. Deuflhard, R. Felix, W. John, A.K. Louis, J. Nadobny, P. Wust
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 165 (1989), 751-757